There are two main parts to downloading and installing a certificate on an Android device - downloading the PKCS#12 or .pfx file onto the Android and adding it to the device's "credential store". We will take you through the steps involved in each part now. Let's get rolling!
Download .pfx File For Android
It is mandatory that the PFX format contains the private key. However, the private key is never transmitted to us or the Certificate Authority during the configuration process for security reasons. Since we do not know your private key, it is also technically impossible to provide a PFX file for download.
Placeholders: certificate.pfx: new certificate (in PKCS12/PFX format) private.key: private key file certificate.crt: certificate file CACert.crt: intermediate certificate file
I need to sign Android application (.apk).I have .pfx file. I converted it to .cer file via Internet Explorer and then converted .cer to .keystore using keytool. Then I've tried to sign .apk with jarsigner but it says that .keystore doesn't content a private key.
In cryptography, the PKCS#12 or PFX format is a binary format often used to store all elements of the chain of trust, such as the server certificate, any intermediate certificates, and the private key into a single encryptable file. PFX files are usually found with the extensions .pfx and .p12. PFX files are typically used on Windows and macOS machines to import and export certificates and private keys.
How did your Comodo certificate appear under personal? Is this a .cer that was created for you? Did you have to save the code signing certificate under a specific location? I have a Certificate.cer which I want to convert to a .pfx file.
Signature Certificate: Click Browse to locate, then Upload to upload the .crt you generated when you created your self-signed .pfx file (in step 1).
S8-3) Open your mail that you just sent your self. You should see an attachment with -234-567-890 This is the "Client ID" not the "NW ID" from above. Don't worry too much about the specifics. You have to download that file to your S8. (On iOS you just tap and it downloads.) Note: this now clears up one of your questions above: You asked: "Which file? All files? How?" Answer: the download is really several files. 3, maybe more. Just Download and all of them will be saved. Don't be concerned with the details.
S8-5) Install the profile. Since you downloaded it, you should see a profile somewhere and you click and do the install steps. You will go thru 2 - 3 screens of "do you want to do this" questions to install it.
You will have to create an email account for your self on each device to receive the email in order to download the profiles. I don't know any other way. When I think about it, a type of feature that I never considered. I would be creating my own account, getting it set up, deleting my account on every device. I don't know any other way right now. Would be nice to have a "pickup" method where you could point a device to a known and secure ftp server. I can imagine a way to do that with a 3rd party iOS App. But it's untested.
There are 3 files downloaded on my phone, one is extension .pfx which I assume is the profile. There are 2 other files with extension .crt which are certificates. On the phone (actually Samsung S7), in Settings > Connections > More connection settings > VPN > Advanced IPsec VPN there is "VPN Client".
I then selected the .pfx to, I assume, import the profile. It also wanted a password. Didn't know what password it wanted, I just selected CANCEL. It gave an error message. When I selected OK, I went back to my download manager list and the .pfx was no longer on the list. And it won't re-download from the email.
Hi John, \\nYou can check the following note: \\nHttps:// \\nAlso follows this blog is very useful: \\nHttps:// \\nRegards\",\"author\":\"username\":\"former.member\",\"displayName\":\"Former Member\",\"groupIcons\":[],\"suspended\":true,\"isCurrentUser\":false,\"id\":109992,\"posted\":1485005141000,\"votes\":0,\"isAccepted\":false,\"isLocked\":false,\"userVoted\":\"\",\"relations\":\"canCancelAccept\":false,\"canUnlock\":false,\"canUseDelete\":false,\"canVoteDownOrCancel\":false,\"canLock\":false,\"canAccept\":false,\"type\":\"answer\",\"canVoteUpOrCancel\":false,\"isCurrentUserAuthor\":false,\"attachments\":[]},\"body\":\"Dear David,\\nThank you it is a very useful blog, but the problem is when am exporting the certificate it didnt asking to give any password, but in the meantime when importing to mobile it is asking password. \\nRegards,\\nJohn\",\"author\":\"username\":\"john.varghese6\",\"displayName\":\"John Varghese\",\"groupIcons\":[],\"suspended\":false,\"isCurrentUser\":false,\"id\":110328,\"posted\":1485153058000,\"votes\":0,\"isAccepted\":false,\"isLocked\":false,\"userVoted\":\"\",\"relations\":\"canCancelAccept\":false,\"canUnlock\":false,\"canUseDelete\":false,\"canVoteDownOrCancel\":false,\"canLock\":false,\"canAccept\":false,\"type\":\"answer\",\"canVoteUpOrCancel\":false,\"isCurrentUserAuthor\":false,\"attachments\":[],\"body\":\"Hi All,\\nIs there anybody to help me, cz still the issue is persists. :(\",\"author\":\"username\":\"john.varghese6\",\"displayName\":\"John Varghese\",\"groupIcons\":[],\"suspended\":false,\"isCurrentUser\":false,\"id\":164304,\"posted\":1490684919000,\"votes\":0,\"isAccepted\":false,\"isLocked\":false,\"userVoted\":\"\",\"relations\":\"canCancelAccept\":false,\"canUnlock\":false,\"canUseDelete\":false,\"canVoteDownOrCancel\":false,\"canLock\":false,\"canAccept\":false,\"type\":\"answer\",\"canVoteUpOrCancel\":false,\"isCurrentUserAuthor\":false,\"attachments\":[]]"), answerForm: formAction: "/answers/109962/post.json", textareaName: "body", textareaErrors: "", isAttachmentsEnabled: true, answerEditorialGuideline: title: "Before answering", content: "You should only submit an answer when you are proposing a solution to the poster\'s problem. If you want the poster to clarify the question or provide more information, please leave a comment instead, requesting additional details. When answering, please include specifics, such as step-by-step instructions, context for the solution, and links to useful resources. Also, please make sure that your answer complies with our Rules of Engagement.", links: [ title: "Rules of Engagement", href: " -of-engagement.html", ] , answerMinBodyLength: '10', answerMaxBodyLength: '20000' , currentUser: sapInternalId: '', permissions: canVoteUpOrCancel: false, canVoteDownOrCancel: false, canModerate: false, , isVotedUp: false, isVotedDown: false , alerts: alertModeratorMinLength : "It should be given a proper explanation about why the content is inappropriate.", alertModeratorMinLengthValue : "10", alreadyReportedMessage : "You already have an active moderator alert for this content." , url: profileApiBaseUrl: '', followUnfollowQuestion: '/sap/nodeSubscription.json', isFollowingQuestion: '/sap/isFollowingNode.json', vote: voteUp: '/commands/0/voteup.json', voteDown: '/commands/0/votedown.json', cancelVote: '/commands/0/cancelvote.json' , rss: answers: '/feed/109962/answers.rss', answersAndComments: '/feed/109962/comments-and-answers.rss' , authorizeUploadContext: type: 'answer' , atMention: userSearchServiceUrl: ' ', currentUserName: '', useNewUSSCORS: true, atMentionDelayMs: 100, showMentionInRedactor: true , attachmentSettings: commentMaxAttachments: '2', answerMaxAttachments: '10', commentMaxAttachmentSizeBytes: '1048576', answerMaxAttachmentSizeBytes: '1048576', commentAttachmentsSizeBytesTotal: '2097152', answerAttachmentsSizeBytesTotal: '10485760' , editor: editorClipboardUploadEnabled: true }) })(); Home
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Login / Sign-up Search Questions and Answers 0 John Varghese Jan 21, 2017 at 11:48 AM SAP Fiori on Android mobile Certificate issue 2143 Views Follow RSS Feed Dear All,
Once you have the .pfx file created and provided to build.json file, you might get the following error: "The key file may be password protected. To correct this, try to import the certificate manually into the current user's personal certificate store.". In order to import it you have to use certutil from an admin prompt:
This is a short step-by-step on how to import or generate a key on a YubiKey,create a certificate request, submit that request to a Windows CA and then loadthe certificate on the YubiKey. As an alternative, it also instructs you how toimport a private key and certificate from a .pfx file for use on a YubiKey.
Both the key and certificate can be imported with a single command (for slot 9a): When prompted, enter the password for the .pfx file. (--key[=STRING] is needed if the management key value is no longer the default value)
List of example parameters:MY_KEYSTORE.jks: path to the keystore that you want to convert.MY_FILE.p12: path to the PKCS#12 file (.p12 or .pfx extension) that will be created.PASSWORD_PKCS12: password that will be requested at the PKCS#12 file opening.
I think a .pfx file usually contains a personal certificate that identifies you to websites. There are several different tabs in Firefox's Certificate Manager, so make sure to select the "Your Certificates" tab before clicking the Import button for a personal certificate. 2ff7e9595c